Getting catalog string

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  This routine checks to see if a catalog was opened back in  Setting Up , 
if there was then the translation will be fetched and returned to the calling 
  2  parse arg msgno,msgstring 
  3  if catalog ~= 0 then 
  4    msgstring = getcatalogstr(catalog,msgno,msgstring) 
  5  do i = 3 to arg() 
  6    parse var msgstring fore '%s' aft 
  7    msgstring = fore||arg(i)||aft 
  8    end 
  9  return msgstring 
 1      Sub-routine label. 
 2      From the arguments passed to us, we get the message number used in 
        the catalog and the message text. 
 3 - 4  If a catalog was opened then we get the translated text using a 
        locale.library call. 
 5 - 8  Routine  dodelete  is the only routine that calls getcatstr with 
        more than three arguments any others will just fall through this bit. 
        We parse the string getting the text before and after the %s, then 
        format it substituting in arg(3) and arg(4) that were passed, (number 
        of files and directories). 
 9      Return the translated message text. 

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